Virtual Mobile Queue Management System & Apps

Blog | Last Updated: May 15, 2024

What is Virtual Mobile Queue Management System?

Virtual mobile queue management system is revolutionizing the way businesses handle customer flow. This innovative technology replaces traditional physical queues with a digital platform accessible through mobile apps or web interfaces. In essence, it allows customers to join a queue remotely using their smartphones, freeing them from the confines of a physical waiting line.

Virtual Mobile Queue Management System & Apps
Key Features of Virtual Mobile Queue Management System

Benefits of Virtual Mobile Queue Management System

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Perhaps the most significant advantage of the virtual mobile queue management system is the improved customer experience. By eliminating the physical wait and providing real-time updates, perceived waiting time is significantly reduced. This leads to happier and more satisfied customers, fostering loyalty and positive brand perception.

Increased efficiency

Virtual mobile queue management system can significantly improve operational efficiency for businesses. By managing customer flow effectively, businesses can serve customers faster and optimize staff allocation. Staff can focus on providing excellent service rather than managing queues, leading to overall improved productivity.

Data-Driven Insights

virtual mobile queue management system can provide valuable data on customer traffic patterns and wait times. Businesses can analyze this data to gain insights into customer behavior and service demand. This empowers them to make data-driven decisions to improve service strategies, optimize staffing levels, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction

Reduced congestion

Virtual queues eliminate the need for physical lines, minimizing crowding within a business's premises. This is especially beneficial during peak hours, ensuring a safer and more pleasant environment for both customers and staff.

Importance of efficient queue management in various industries

The importance of efficient queue management systems transcends industries. In the retail sector, it reduces wait times, leading to more satisfied customers who are likely to spend more time browsing and potentially increasing sales. For healthcare providers, it streamlines patient flow, minimizing wait times for appointments and treatments, ultimately improving patient experience and satisfaction. Similarly, banks can leverage these systems to manage customer flow effectively, especially in crowded branches, leading to faster service and improved customer satisfaction. Government agencies can also benefit by implementing virtual mobile queue management systems to manage queues for services like license renewals or document processing, enhancing citizen experience and improving overall efficiency.

Key Features of Virtual Mobile Queue Management System

Virtual mobile queue management system systems offer a range of features and functionalities that enhance customer experience and streamline business operations. Here are some key features and functionality in terms of customer related features and business management related features:

Customer related features

  • Convenience and flexibility to join queue remotely
  • Real-time updates on position and estimated waiting time
  • Push notifications to alert customer
  • Optional In-Store Integration such as queue status

Business management related features

  • Reduced physical congestion
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Queue management dashboard to monitor queue activity
  • Customization options according to business needs
  • Performance monitoring to measure effectiveness of queue management strategies

How does Virtual Mobile Queue Management System Work

There are four main steps on the operation of the virtual mobile queue management system: queue initilization, waiting period, serving and completion.

Queue initialization

When a customer wants to wait for service, the system creates a virtual queue for them. Customers get their unique queue number remotely through a mobile app, anytime that's convenient for them. This number represents their place in line.

Waiting period

While waiting, customers can check the app to see the current queue status and their position in line. They'll receive a notification on their phone when their turn is about to come up, ensuring they're ready.

Serving period

Once it's their turn, the system lets the customer know which service counter to go to. The system can also seamlessly move them to a different counter or department if needed.


After receiving service, customers can rate their experience through the app. This valuable feedback helps the business improve its services.

Case Studies & Success Stories

Here are some case examples of business from various industries that have successfully implemented Queuebee’s virtual mobile queue management systems:


Virtual queues can be a game-changer for restaurants, especially during busy times. Instead of writing down names for waiting customers, walk-ins can quickly join the queue by scanning a QR code with their phone. This frees up staff time and allows them to focus on serving diners.


Faster Customer Registration QR code scanning offers a quicker and more streamlined way for walk-in customers to join the queue.
Personalized Service The system can collect customer details during registration, allowing staff to greet customers by name for a more welcoming experience.
Automated Notifications Customers receive automatic alerts on their phones when their table is ready, eliminating the need to constantly check.

Client: Genki Sushi

Genki Sushi takes virtual queues a step further by offering them exclusively to club and premium members via their app. These members enjoy additional benefits:

Specifying Table Size Members can indicate the size of their party to ensure they're seated at an appropriate table.
Special Requests Members can submit special requests during registration, such as needing a high chair for a child.
Seating Preferences Members can express preferences for counter seating or other options during registration.

Overall, virtual queues offer a win-win for restaurants and customers. They streamline operations, improve customer experience, and in Genki Sushi's case, provide additional benefits for loyal members.

Learn more about Queuebee’s virtual mobile queue management systems for restaurants.

Appointment Booking
Caption: Genki Sushi exclusively allows its club and premium member to register for virtual queues using their mobile app.

Retail stores

No matter what you sell, virtual queue systems can be a big help for your retail business. For instance, you can use them to manage lines for specific services, like returns or refunds. This lets customers avoid waiting in a single line and frees them up to browse the store while they wait for their turn.

Appointment Booking
Caption: Pomelo has QR codes around their store enabling customers to virtually queue for fitting rooms.


Efficient queue management In retail store, the system allows efficient arrangement of fitting room queue based on customers’ needs. This helps reduce manual labour needs for fitting room arrangement.
Automated Notifications Customers receive automatic alerts on their phones when a fitting room is vacant and ready. Thus, customers can use this extra waiting time to browse for more items in the retail clothing store while waiting for fitting room.

Client: Pomelo

Pomelo, a clothing retailer, uses virtual queues in a clever way. They have QR codes displayed throughout the store. Customers within a kilometer of the store can scan these codes to join a virtual queue for fitting rooms. This lets shoppers keep shopping instead of waiting in line for a chance to try on clothes.

Learn more about our Queuebee’s virtual mobile queue management systems for retailers.

Transform Your Business With Our Queue Management System Today

Are you ready to elevate your customer experience with a state-of-the-art queue management system? Get in touch with us or find an office closest to you. Experience the difference with our comprehensive solutions can make in your business operations and customer satisfaction.

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