Queue Number System,Does Your Business Need One?

Blog | Last Updated: May 17, 2024

What is A Queue Number System?

Queue number system is a system that assigns a unique identifier (the queue number) to each customer waiting for service. This identifier establishes the order in which customers will be served, promoting fairness and reducing confusion.Simply put, queue number is a reference number assigned to a customer upon joining a queue. This number signifies their position in the waiting line.

7 Key Benefits of Queue Management That Transforms Services

Importance of Queue Number Systems

Reduced Anxiety and Frustration

Reduced Anxiety and Frustration

By establishing a clear order, queue numbers system eliminate ambiguity about who's next. This predictability reduces anxiety and frustration often associated with waiting in lines, leading to a more positive customer experience.
Fairness and Transparency

Fairness and Transparency

The queue number system ensures everyone is served in the order they arrived, eliminating the possibility of someone jumping the line or feeling unfairly passed over. This fosters a sense of fairness and transparency for all customers.
Data Collection and Analysis

Data Collection and Analysis

In some queue number systems, queue numbers can be linked to additional customer information. This allows businesses to gather data on wait times, service times, and customer volume. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify bottlenecks in the service process and make informed decisions to improve efficiency and resource allocation.
Improved Efficiency

Improved Efficiency

Queue number system enable businesses to streamline service delivery. Staff can easily identify the next customer to be served based on the displayed queue number, minimizing wasted time and idle periods.

How Does A Virtual Queue Number System Work?

There are four main steps on the operation of queue number system: queue initilization, waiting period, serving and completion.

Queue initialization

When a customer intend to join a queue, the virtual queue number system will initilize a virtual queue in the system. The respective customer will obtain ticket queue number remotely at their convenience via respective mobile queueing app. The queue number is an unique identifier to represent the customer’s turn in the queue.

Waiting period

During the waiting period, customer can access real-time queue status updates and queue position information via the customer portal or mobile app. They will also receive a notification as soon as their turn approaches in the virtual queue, ensuring that they are ready for service.

Serving period

When the customer reaches their turn for service, the system will once again notify the customer on their arranged serving counter. Besides that, the virtual queue system may seamless transfer customer to different service counter or department if required.


Upon the completion of services provided to the customer, customer may provide feedback and rate their service satisfaction level. These valuable feedbacks will then be provided to service center for continuous improvement of their service.

Types of Queue Number Systems

Customer queues are a fact of life in many businesses, but managing them effectively can significantly impact customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Here's a breakdown of the three main types of queue number systems.

Basic queue number systems with physical tickets

01. Basic queue number systems with physical tickets

This queue number system is the most traditional and straightforward method of queue number system. It comprises of ticket dispenser machine that prints out sequential physical tickets with unique queue number for customers and a display board to inform current number being served. Benefit
  • Simple and affordable to set up and maintain.
  • Easy to understand for all customers.
  • Promotes fairness and transparency.
  • Limited information about wait times.
  • Relies on manual display board updates.
  • Not ideal for high customer volume (long lines, managing physical tickets can be time-consuming).

02. Digital queue number systems with electronic displays

Digital queue number systems with electronic displays offer a modern and efficient way to manage customer flow, eliminating the need for physical tickets and manual updates. It comprises a ticket kiosk to assist customer joining the queue by providing them a virtual ticket with a number through a software system that tracks the queue. Lastly, electronic display at respective location will present a more detailed information such as current queue number, estimated wait times and service type. Benefit
  • Offers more information like estimated wait times.
  • Automated display updates reduce manual intervention.
  • Can handle higher customer volumes efficiently.
  • Requires investment in kiosks and software.
  • May not be user-friendly for everyone (tech-averse customers).
  • Customers still need to be physically present to wait.
Digital queue number systems with electronic displays
Virtual queue number systems with mobile apps or online platforms

03. Virtual queue number systems with mobile apps or online platforms

Virtual queue number systems with mobile apps or online platforms represent the cutting edge of customer queue management. They eliminate the need for physical tickets and in-person waiting, offering unparalleled convenience and flexibility for customers. It mainly comprises of two main components which are an online platform or mobile application and a queue management software. Benefit
  • Most convenient and flexible for customers (remote waiting).
  • Real-time queue updates and estimated wait times.
  • Reduces in-store congestion, improving safety and comfort.
  • Valuable data collection on customer traffic patterns for service improvement.

Virtual queue number systems are revolutionizing customer service. By offering remote waiting, real-time updates, and valuable data insights, they create a win-win situation for both businesses and customers. Businesses gain efficiency and valuable data, while customers enjoy a more convenient and less stressful waiting experience.

Features and Functionality of A Virtual Queue Number System

Virtual queue number systems offer a range of features and functionalities that enhance customer experience and streamline business operations. Here are some key features and functionality in terms of customer-facing features and business management features.

Customer-facing features

  • Simple and Intuitive interface
  • Specific branch location selection
  • Service selection
  • Real-time position and wait time
  • Push notifications

Business management features

  • Queue management dashboard
  • Data analytics and reporting
  • Customization options
  • Performance monitoring such as waiting time, customer satisfaction level

Transform Your Business With Our Queue Management System Today

Are you ready to elevate your customer experience with a state-of-the-art queue management system? Get in touch with us or find an office closest to you. Experience the difference with our comprehensive solutions can make in your business operations and customer satisfaction.

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